Michael Coman

How to Check Your Advance and Retard Vacuum Pipe

Michael Coman
Duration:   1  mins


The vacuum advance is key to the good running of the engine. If the pipe or diaphragm are leaking, the engine will run poorly.

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One Response to “How to Check Your Advance and Retard Vacuum Pipe”

  1. Ian Williams

    My car was overheating. I tried this test using a vac pump. It wasn't moving the baseplate inside the distributor when suction applied. Also I manually moved the plate across, covered the end of the tube but it didn't stay in place, so I am suspecting the vac advance unit. .

On your side Clive, the last of the hoses. I think that we need to inspect. If you could tell me if I'm wrong, but I think is is this little one here, that's really important. Now what that does is it takes the vacuum just like the server hose. It takes a vacuum from inside the the indent manifold that's created when you put your foot down, and when Petrol starts going through into the engine the engine sucks in and creates a vacuum inside there.

It uses that vacuum transported via this very very thin hose pipe into the distributor to suck on a diaphragm which moves the base plate of the distributor around and actually advances the spark which helps on the acceleration and the way to test it is to clean the end off and then hand it to your friend. It's on that side. It's on the right side of the car. So If I just pop the cap off, Pop the cap of the distributor off what Clive's gonna do, the simplest and best way to test this is to actually put it in your mouth and suck it, which is why I was cleaning the end. Suck it, put your tongue over the tip of the hole.

And if when you take your tongue off after two or three seconds, it makes that sound you know that the diaphragm is fine and it's not doing its job properly. If it doesn't, if the diaphragm is hold or if there's a problem with the diaphragm then you're gonna find that that sound won't happen. And when you take your tongue off the hole it will just come away.

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