How to Use a Basic Torque Wrench - Top Tips
Ed HughesDescription
For more information on how to decoke an engine, visit our course How To Remove, Revive And Decoke Your Engine.
Sometimes when you're using a torque wrench, you turn it, and turn it, and turn it, and it never clicks. Now you can ruin things doing that very, very easily. So, if in doubt, if the thing is just turning, and turning, and turning, you never hear a click, stop and just start again. Okay. Because if you've reached the specified torque, and for some reason it's just not clicking in as you turn, and turn, and turn, you'll destroy the threads, or you'll pull the stud out of the casting, or something.
whereas, by stopping and going back and starting it off again, you very often get something that's more akin to a true torque reading.
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